Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Kim English Method

I dedicate this post to the widely known artist - Kim English. The two day workshop at the SWA in Redwood city was literally a hoot. The theme was quick figure sketches conforming to Kim's Alla Prima style of painting with 'immediacy' and 'spontaneity'. We were constantly wiping the canvas every 5  to 10 min, getting ready for the model's next pose, working to get the gesture down with pre-mixed piles of paint. We probably did more than 30 of those on the first day spent inside the gallery. And on the second we were out in a park working on 20 min poses. The strict time limit forced us to focus on the big shapes and the gesture. I was tired by the end of each day, but couldn't have been happier.

A few things I came away with -
- Mass in shapes instead of a line drawing or a combination of both for a more painterly feel.
- Start with flat organic shapes and then push the paint around or wipe off parts to redo an area.
- When painting from a live model, start with a few quick sketches to prepare for the long pose.

It was tough but a lot of fun. This, to me, was the warm up for the week long workshop in Paris with Kim in September, which I am very eagerly looking forward to. Kim's paintings are of simple scenes captured in unique compositions, radiant colors and glowing lights - a constant reminder of the beauty in every day life. And that, to me, is the whole purpose of a painting. 

A 20 min sketch by Kim English. Pure brilliance.

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