Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Vignette in White

The second attempt at painting roses with a slightly different style as compared to the previous one. We had them in all colors. After trying the pinks and the oranges, I decided to work on the white ones where the temperature, I think, becomes imperative. I didn't think this looked like much until I moved a few steps away. Squinting and stepping back is almost becoming second nature now and I know why!

And I am off for a dose of vacation! I have been planning on doing a whole travelogue of paintings. I am not carrying paints this time but am sure I will be back with oodles of ideas! Well.. what they say is true, all roads lead to Rome!! :)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Rosy endeavors

A day dedicated to roses. The paint consistency, how much and the way the it should go onto the canvas and of course the shape, color, value and temperature; a whole slew of things to think about before putting down every stroke. This had to be the brightest pink rose I have seen, the color was very difficult to match. And building up from a block-in approach completely threw me off track, but had to try the method of the masters! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Plum peaches

And that's day one with Daniel Keys at the Sadie Valeri Atelier. Getting the still life fix! Daniel is precise in his suggestions & critique. His stark colors & crisp brushwork make his paintings exquisite! Looking forward to working on a large still life painting in the next few days. Hopefully a complex composition. That would be fun, and his forte of course!

Friday, August 8, 2014


Reference by Richard RobinsonPainting the portrait of a tree has been on my list and this one with so much character was just perfect. I layered on really thick paint to get some textural contrast in the snow. This was a first and I like the effect! I want to experiment with thin darks with a bit of canvas peeking through the next time around. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Value Planes II

Landscapes value sketches are difficult! especially when you have to indicate two colors of the same value. I might go over this one with some color to see how it turns out. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hay bales

The way the myriad of colors play off of the complex shapes in the landscape is very beautiful. Makes simplification and color harmony that much more difficult to achieve! 



Saturday, July 26, 2014


Let's just say this is in honor of the character so well reprised! Took me two days and multiple attempts to wrap my head around the tiny details that were going totally amiss. Happy to have completed this simple sketch; I think I've managed to achieve a fair amount of likeness, which was the whole point to say the very least! With such a distinct face, the mistakes seemed elusive but were really quite 'elementary, my dear'! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Red Rock Country

Diving straight into color without a plan did not work and I had to redo from the start. Have to do more of these to get comfortable with making the light pattern on the mountains read right and refine them to a better finish.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

By the pitcher

From the Phil Starke program; the quintessential still life setup. Took a while to bring it to a level of finish. I reached for some much loved comfort food as soon as I was done! 



Saturday, July 12, 2014

Value Planes

Working on indicating the sky, the flat, the slanted and the vertical planes using values. Gets a little tricky because the lightest value in the darkest plane has got to be darker than the lightest plane itself! A bit of a mind bender, but fun nonetheless! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I decided it was time to tackle the formidable to-paint list I have had for a long time now. I started with the Zorn palette on what was to be a self-portrait, but it turned out to be a complete wiper! I know what did not work though and I plan to be more mindful of it the next time around. After this experiment, I am feeling more confident about painting familiar faces where the likeness becomes more important than just the aesthetics. Btw this being the 50th post, its a mini milestone met! :)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Back Again

An early in the day effort, all while trying to keep myself from biting my nails off during the immense excitement from some amazing tennis this morning! Though most of the work only went in after it ended. I am not very fond of classical realism but it is great for practicing drawing and the subtle value shifts. I changed my hold on the brush a few times and had more control than I had thought was possible. And starting with a black canvas is not something I might repeat. The colors seemed off, was difficult to get a handle on the darks and I couldn't achieve the 'cast' look with the same palette as the one I had used for 'Lady in Grey'.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lady in Grey

The reference is from the Watts Atelier Program. I kept in mind to break the painting down into and filling in the shadow and light areas before modelling the form with mid-tones and highlights. Taking color out of the equation helps to focus on the values! Though I did use a hint of terra rosa in the reflected lights to add some interest.

Monday, June 23, 2014


From a private sojourn at a small secluded beach on a Langkawi island, where we had stopped to have lunch. The dense greenery in the background took most of the work. I massed in the darks and worked upwards, dabbing in the shapes with the more saturated colors and added a few hints of red flowers to break the monotony and to add balance.

A progress pic with a perspective!
Used the bigger brush for the foliage and the smaller one to punch in the dark holes. 
Tried to stay true to the reference and put the brushes away before I overworked it. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


The tendency to keep all things systematic and symmetrical works against my need to be more spontaneous and instinctive especially when working on landscapes; because really the charm lies in the irregularities. Got to let go and get loose.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Star Gazer

For the love of starry skies and in honor of the interstellar predictions for tonight.
The last time I lay gazing up at the sky on a cold meteor shower night, I counted more than seventy shooting across the sky, each one accompanied by excited gasps and smiles from everyone. It was quite breathtaking! Hope to catch at least a few today. Painted this one black and blue; the experiment with a black ground turned out to be perfect for my very own simple version of the starry night! Most paintings look nicer in person and the twinkling stars in this one most certainly do! And oh, I just had to paint the Leo up there :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cast Away


Painting is really drawing with paint. I had to train to hold the pencil the way I should a paint brush and use the whole arm instead of using just the wrist. Sketching is tedious and intense. I have been painting more and drawing less; I should retrace a bit and sketch more often. Hmm. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

The City

San Francisco - the quirkiest city I have seen. I wasn't very fond of it until I spent a full five days last year, roaming the streets, clicking pictures and eating a lot of great food. There is always something that is unique to every city; the steep and crooked streets are a fun drive especially for new visitors. One of them actually alluded to Disneyland - now, how is that for a new perspective! I enjoy strolling through the numerous art stores and galleries, I like the cuteness of Sausalito and the city skyline at night is very pretty indeed :)


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Icy Pinks

Cancelled plans to visit LA last weekend, lead instead to drive to Pacific Grove; and the stunning views made up for it. A change of subject was in order and I couldn't have picked a better scene. I was quite tempted to go back this weekend with my gear for plein air painting! This one is special; was done with some directions from dad and comments from mom :)
Landscape to me is a tough subject to paint. Getting the colors to be muted yet chromatic in a realistic way is quite the challenge. What I have here is a little more than a lay-in. Hopefully with some more work, I would have done justice to the juxtaposition of the icy pinks and the bright blue hues! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Dedicating the post to Fongwei, it was his deft hands that guided me through this one. This certainly has more of his touches than mine. This is a piece from a while ago and is one of my favorites. I like the looseness, the fineness and the flair.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Morning Light

The striking contrast between the light and shadows drew me to the subject. I almost had to use pure white for the highlights! It took quite a bit of deliberate contemplation to work this one to completion. Its not often that I like what I paint, and this is one of those rare occasions :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Glass beads

The reflected lights in the shadows and more importantly the highlights, to me, are the finishing touches that pull a painting together and make it read right. The highlight has been widely touted as the sweet treat that one eagerly waits for at the end of a multicourse meal. Being a dessert lover, I couldn't agree more - Je suis d'accord!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sweet Musings

Mindless eating of mom's great creations, random ramblings with dad, sharing unspoken secrets with siblings, watching dreary cricket finals with cousins and a whole lot of nonstop merriment. Reliving the good old childhood days and recounting priceless memories; there isn't quite much to match the comforting familiarity of family. All I am right now is dreading the return to the other side of the country and weeping to be whizzed back to the present!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Humble beginnings

This is throwback from a while ago; recalling how it all begins - with free-flowing guidelines, values to indicate light & shadow and a few dark notes to define the features. There's something about unfinished work that I find very appealing; and I love this cast for the endearing emotion it carries. I read this somewhere, and I think it true - Its not so much just the eyes but also the lips that hold the key to the expression.

I came across this sketch recently and I thought it would be apt for a post to commemorate the humble beginnings of this blog. I am pleased to note the 3000+ views!! Heartfelt gratitude to all the dutiful followers and to the new few who may have stumbled upon it by pure chance!