Saturday, August 17, 2013

Studio Solutions

I just got done with setting up my 'studio', as I'd like to call it. The rolling chest (Suggested by E) is really handy. All of the paints, spare panels and other accessories neatly fit into the drawers. At the other corner is the Art Box and Panel - Plein air easel by James Coulter. Its a light weight, portable system which I plan to use indoors as well to avoid the bulk of a floor easel. The window should provide the much needed ventilation. And my favorite part - the drying racks! I was able to install them using Balsa wood strips, L brackets, thumb pins and some push pins. It was quite simple and the best thing is that they be relocated very easily. Now I have no excuse to procrastinate. I hope this setup gets me to the easel more often. I want to get myself into a regular painting routine and enjoy this space while am at it. 



  1. Awesome G!!! Love the 'studio'.

  2. Great Studio ! where can i get the rolling chest ? Thanks !

  3. At the Pour House now. Love the artwork but the bartender doesn't know if she can sell. Thoughts? Online shop?

  4. At Pour House. Love you artwork and wanted to buy but bartender didn't know prices. Do you have an online store?


Would love to hear your thoughts !