Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kids & Coffee

This painting was done while at Carol Marine's Workshop at San Francisco (a brief description is at an earlier post - here). I shot the reference photo during our city wandering venture on the previous day. The small shoes next to the mug, cropped out of a bigger picture, was too cute to miss. I was happy with the way the shoes turned out. During the critique, Carol started by saying that she loved them (nothing much else could have made me that ecstatic!) before providing some helpful tips on how to tackle ellipses. I think the shoes by themselves make an interesting enough subject - and I might paint them again.
I enjoy seeing paintings in progress and started to take progress photos for later reference; and that turned out to be perfect for Leslie Saeta's Challenge. I plan on including demo photos in some of the future posts as well.

(click on the pictures to view them bigger). 






  1. Yes, keep posting! Kids and coffee is wonderful:)

  2. This is a really helpful demo. Thanks for the magnet, too. I just sent you my address in email.

  3. This is beautiful, I like how you have the demo pictures :)


Would love to hear your thoughts !