Monday, June 23, 2014


From a private sojourn at a small secluded beach on a Langkawi island, where we had stopped to have lunch. The dense greenery in the background took most of the work. I massed in the darks and worked upwards, dabbing in the shapes with the more saturated colors and added a few hints of red flowers to break the monotony and to add balance.

A progress pic with a perspective!
Used the bigger brush for the foliage and the smaller one to punch in the dark holes. 
Tried to stay true to the reference and put the brushes away before I overworked it. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


The tendency to keep all things systematic and symmetrical works against my need to be more spontaneous and instinctive especially when working on landscapes; because really the charm lies in the irregularities. Got to let go and get loose.