Sunday, April 27, 2014

Morning Light

The striking contrast between the light and shadows drew me to the subject. I almost had to use pure white for the highlights! It took quite a bit of deliberate contemplation to work this one to completion. Its not often that I like what I paint, and this is one of those rare occasions :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Glass beads

The reflected lights in the shadows and more importantly the highlights, to me, are the finishing touches that pull a painting together and make it read right. The highlight has been widely touted as the sweet treat that one eagerly waits for at the end of a multicourse meal. Being a dessert lover, I couldn't agree more - Je suis d'accord!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sweet Musings

Mindless eating of mom's great creations, random ramblings with dad, sharing unspoken secrets with siblings, watching dreary cricket finals with cousins and a whole lot of nonstop merriment. Reliving the good old childhood days and recounting priceless memories; there isn't quite much to match the comforting familiarity of family. All I am right now is dreading the return to the other side of the country and weeping to be whizzed back to the present!